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杨建洲 教授




1. 山西省科学技术奖三等奖:核黄素和维生素D及其易感基因与食管癌的发病机制研究.(第三完成人)2020.7

2. 山西省科学技术奖三等奖.山西省东南部地区人群基因多态性与食管癌易感性关系的病例对照研究.(第六完成人)2016.7

3. 山西省教学成果二等奖.以临床问题为导向循证医学为载体,提升医员工核心能力的教学模式构建(第五完成人)






1. 山西省卫生健康委员会四个一批科技兴医创新计划项目,2022XM45,肿瘤患者接种新冠灭活疫苗的免疫反应和副作用的前瞻性队列研究,2022.8-2024.7,在研,主持;

2. 山西省卫生健康委员会科研课题,2018121,幽门螺旋杆菌与胃及肠道菌群交互在胃癌发生发展中的作用研究,2019.1-2020.12,已结题,主持;

3. 山西省自然科学基金,2016011092,剖宫产对婴儿肠道菌群定植及细胞因子影响的流行病学研究,2016.1-2018.12,已结题,主持;

4. 山西省回国留学人员科研资助项目,2014-072 ,叶酸及其代谢酶基因、LINE1甲基化与食管癌关系的研究,2014.1-2016.12,已结题,主持。


1. 《预防医学》(第二版),人民卫生出版社,住院医师规范化培训规划教材,2022.12,参编

2. 《预防医学》(第四版),人民卫生出版社,国家卫健委规划教材,2023.8,参编

3. 《预防医学》(第五版),北京大学医学出版社,2024.8,参编

4. 《预防医学》(第四版),北京大学医学出版社,高等教育十二五规划教材,2018.12,参编

5. 《临床流行病学》(第四版),高等教育出版社,2024.1,参编

6. 《临床流行病学》(第三版),高等教育出版社,2018.12,参编

7. 《流行病学》(第二版),中国医药出版社,2024.1,副主编

8. 《流行病学》(第一版),中国医药出版社,2018.1,参编

9. 《临床流行病学》,江苏教育出版社,2012.2,参编

10. 《社区护理学》(第二版),北京大学医学出版社,2018.1,参编

11. 《社区护理学》(第一版),北京大学医学出版社,2012.1,参编


1. 临床流行病学(研究生专业课,主讲)

2. 循证医学(研究生专业课,主讲)

3. 流行病学(本科生专业课,主讲)

4. 预防医学导论(本科生通识课,主讲)


1. Wang Y, Yuan F, Song Y, Rao H, Xiao L, Guo H, Zhang X, Li M, Wang J, Ren YZ, Tian J, Yang J*. Prediction of cross-border spread of the COVID-19 pandemic: A predictive model for imported cases outside China [J]. PLoS One, 2024,19(4):e0301420.(通讯)

2. Zhang L, Yang J, Su R, Lan X, Song M, Zhang L, Xu J. Willingness to receive the second booster of COVID-19 vaccine among older adults with cancer: a stratified analysis in four provinces of China [J]. Front Public Health,2024,12:1298070.共一)

3. Chai R, Yang J, Su R, Lan X, Song M, Zhang L, Xu J. Low uptake of COVID-19 booster doses among elderly cancer patients in China: A multicentre cross-sectional study [J]. J Glob Health,2024,14:05010.(共一)

4. Li M, Ren Y, Liu P, Wang J, Wang Y, Xu J, Yang J*. Effect of chronic diseases on willingness to receive the second COVID-19 vaccine booster dose among cancer patients: A multicenter cross-sectional survey in China[J]. Am J Infect Control, 2024,52(5):533-540.(通讯)

5. Zhang L, Yang J, Su R, Du X, Wang Y, Chen S, Chan PS, Wang Z, Xu J. Concerns related to the interactions between COVID-19 vaccination and cancer/cancer treatment were barriers to complete primary vaccination series among Chinese cancer patients: A multicentre cross-sectional survey [J]. Hum Vaccin Immunother,2023,19(2):2222648.(共一)

6. Wang Y, Zhang L, Chen S, Lan X, Song M, Su R, Yang J, Wang Z, Xu J. Hesitancy to Receive the Booster Doses of COVID-19 Vaccine Among Cancer Patientsin China: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Survey - Four PLADs, China, 2022 [J]. China CDC Wkly, 2023,5(10):223-228.(通讯)

7. Zhang F, Zhu Y, He Z, Lan X, Song M, Chen X, Li M, Yang J*, Xu J. Uptake of Heterologous or Homologous COVID-19 Booster Dose and Related Adverse Events Among Diabetic Patients: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Study - China, 2022 [J].China CDC Wkly,2023,5(1):5-10.(通讯)

8. Yao Y, Chai R, Yang J, Zhang X, Huang X, Yu M, Fu GF, Lan G, Qiao Y, Zhou Q, Li S, Xu J. Correction: Reasons for COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy Among Chinese People Living With HIV/AIDS: Structural Equation Modeling Analysis [J]. JMIR Public Health Surveill,2022,8(7):e40910.(共一)

9. Xu J, Chen S, Wang Y, Duan L, Li J, Shan Y, Lan X, Song M, Yang J*, Wang Z. Prevalence and Determinants of COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake Were Different between Chinese Diabetic Inpatients with and without Chronic Complications: A Cross-Sectional Survey [J]. Vaccines (Basel), 2022,10(7):994.(通讯)

10. Yang J, Yu M, Fu G, Lan G, Li L, Qiao Y, Zhao J, Qian HZ, Zhang X, Liu X, Jin X, Chen G, Fang Y, Wang Z, Xu J. COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake Among a Nationwide Sample of People Living With HIV During the Early Phase of Vaccine Rollout in China [J]. Front Med (Lausanne), 2022,9:822680.(一

11. Duan L, Wang Y, Dong H, Song C, Zheng J, Li J, Li M, Wang J, Yang J*, Xu J. The COVID-19 Vaccination Behavior and Correlates in Diabetic Patients: A Health Belief Model Theory-Based Cross-Sectional Study in China, 2021 [J]. Vaccines (Basel),2022,10(5):659. (通讯)

12. Wang Y, Duan L, Li M, Wang J, Yang J*, Song C, Li J, Wang J, Jia J, Xu J. COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Associated Factors among Diabetes Patients: A Cross-Sectional Survey in Changzhi, Shanxi, China [J]. Vaccines (Basel),2022,10(1):129.(通讯)

13. Zhao H, Wang H, Li H, Zheng W, Yuan T, Feng A, Luo D, Hu Y, Sun Y, Lin YF, Zhou Y, Luo G, Peng Q, Yang J*, Xu J, Zou H. Uptake and adverse reactions of COVID-19 vaccination among people living with HIV in China: a case-control study [J]. Hum Vaccin Immunother,2021,17(12): 4964-4970. (通讯)

14. Lian Y, Xiang J, Wang X, Kaminga AC, Chen W, Lai Z, Dai W, Yang J*. Prevalence of Moderate to Severe Anxiety Symptoms among Patients with Myocardial Infarction: a Meta-Analysis [J]. Psychiatr Q,2022,93(1): 161-180.(通讯)

15. Feng L, Yang J, Liu W, Wang Q, Wang H, Shi L, Fu L, Xu Q, Wang B, Li T. Lipid Biomarkers in Acute Myocardial Infarction Before and After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention by Lipidomics Analysis [J]. Med Sci Monit,2018,24:4175-4182.(共一)

16. Feng L, Liu W, Yang J, Wang Q, Wen S. Effect of Hexadecyl Azelaoyl

Phosphatidylcholine on Cardiomyocyte Apoptosis in Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury: A Hypothesis [J]. Med Sci Monit,2018,24: 2661-2667.(共一)

17. Yang J, Wang H, Ji A, Ma L, Wang J, Lian C, Wei Z, Wang L. Vitamin D Signaling Pathways Confer the Susceptibility of Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma in a Northern Chinese Population [J]. Nutr Cancer,2017,


18. Yang JZ, Ji AF, Wang JS, Chen ZY, Wen SW. Association between Ras

association domain family 1A promoter methylation and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma: a meta-analysis [J]. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, 2014,15(9):3921-5.一作

19. Yang J, Xie R, Krewski D, Wang Y, Walker M, Cao W, Wen SW. Association between change of health care providers and pregnancy exposure to FDA category C, D and X drugs [J]. Chin Med J (Engl), 2014,127(4):702-6.(一作)

20. Yang J, Xie RH, Krewski D, Wang YJ, Walker M, Wen SW. Exposure to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole but not other FDA category C and D anti-infectives is associated with increased risks of preterm birth and low birth weight [J]. Int J Infect Dis,2011,15(5):e336-41.(一作)

21. Yang J, Zhao Z, Li Y, Krewski D, Wen SW. A multi-level analysis of risk factors for Schistosoma japonicum infection in China [J]. Int J Infect Dis, 2009,13(6):e407-12.一作


22. 王家钰,李慕帆,杜中强,王鲲博,饶华祥,杨建洲*.2019-2021年山西省长治市居民期望寿命及去死因期望寿命分析.疾病监测[J].2024,39(03):376-381.(通讯)

23. 赵越,洪龙燕,任沁炎,杨建洲*.长治市高发恶性肿瘤患者住院医疗费用的结构变动度分析.现代预防医学[J].2023,50(20):3762-3766.(通讯)

24. 侯强,王英,李慕帆,杨皓颖,景禹鑫,杨建洲*.太行山食管癌高发区农村居民高血压风险预测模型构建.现代预防医学[J].2023,50(06):1133-1138.(通讯)

25. 李慧珍,吴紫莹,范婷婷,杨长青,杨建洲*,郑金平.山西省东南部地区胃癌患者肠道菌群分布的配对病例对照研究.中国微生态学杂志[J].2021,33(08):869-875.(通讯)

26. 杨建洲,贾建桃,纪爱芳,王培龙,魏子白,申科敏,王金胜.太行山食管癌高发区农村高危人群上消化道癌及癌前病变筛查结果及影响因素分析.现代预防医学[J].2021,48(04):738-741.(一作)

27. 杨建洲,陈云霞,宋雯霞,俎晓霞,WenShi Wu,王昕,郑建中.山西东南部地区妇女产后体重滯留现状及影响因素.中国公共卫生[J].2018,34(07):946-948.(一作)

28. 杨建洲,王金胜,纪爱芳,原建慧,张建斌.p53基因多态性与中国人群食管癌易感性的Meta分析.现代预防医学[J].2013,40(05):808-810+814.(一作)

29. 杨建洲,赵正元,文师吾,谭红专.多水平logistic回归模型在血吸虫病流行因素研究中的优越性.中国卫生统计[J].2012,29(04):504-506.(一作)

